The Toxic Truth About Seed Oils Uncovering the Real Health Risks
There is so much to talk about here in regards these damaging and deadly seed oils.
Since the population has been sold on these oils as "a healthier choice", obesity, coronary heart disease, chronic inflammation, severe metabolic damage, High blood pressure, diabetes, severe damaging oxidation to cholesterol cells (Read more about cholesterol oxidation in my article HERE), etc. have all been on the rise!
Some of you may already have a good amount of knowledge about these deadly seed oils, and I'm really excited if that's the case. But for those of you who have limited knowledge or maybe don't know much about these deadly seed oils, I want to help break it down for you so that you walk away from this article with the tools and knowledge that you need to then be empowered to start avoiding them.
And even for those of you who may know a lot about seed oils already, stick around... you might learn some additional things.
To start with, let's take a brief look at how seed oils are made:
"The general process used to create industrial seed oils is anything but natural. The oils extracted from soybeans, corn, cottonseed, safflower seeds, and rapeseeds must be refined, bleached, and deodorized before they are suitable for human consumption.
- First, seeds are gathered from the soy, corn, cotton, safflower, and rapeseed plants.
- Next, the seeds are heated to extremely high temperatures; this causes the unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds to oxidize, creating byproducts that are harmful to human and animal health.
- The seeds are then processed with a petroleum-based solvent, such as hexane, to maximize the amount of oil extracted from them.
- Next, industrial seed oil manufacturers use chemicals to deodorize the oils, which have a very off-putting smell once extracted. The deodorization process produces trans fats, which are well known to be quite harmful to human health.
- Finally, more chemicals are added to improve the color of the industrial seed oils."
~ - By: Chris Kresser
So just what are the good oils and what are the bad.
Check out this simple chart that I have created below.
So you can see from the chart above how many of the bad oils there are. As you start building more awareness around these deadly seed oils, the more you are going to see how many places they lurk.
You will find them in places that you never would have thought of (like dried spices, protein powders, supplement capsules... just to name a few odd ones) and you are also going to find them in things that you've always thought were healthy.
The more you start looking at ingredient lists and checking for these deadly oils, the more you are going to start finding them.
It might even be a little overwhelming and frustrating at first. I know it was for me!
But step by step, I have weeded pretty much all the seed oils out of my day-to-day routine. IT IS NOT GOING TO BE AN OVERNIGHT PROCESS!
You are also going to find that most restaurants and especially fast-food places cook their food in these seed oils.
You are also going to find that seed oils are in pretty much every bottled salad dressing, almost every box and packaged item. This includes frozen dinners, most mayonnaise, soups, cake and brownie mixes, some protein powders, supplement capsules, and the list goes on. Be careful with these companies that are promoting healthy protein powders and bars. I am also finding that some of these so-called healthy protein powders have sunflower oil in them. The best thing that you can do is to build a habit where you are always reading the ingredients NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!!!!
I started making my own dressings. I also make more things from scratch now because I would rather know what's in it and use good oil when it is called for.
I also bring my own homemade salad dressing to restaurants now too (pretty much all of the salad dressings they will use have seed oils). My dressing is always better-tasting anyhow.
I minimize my exposure to seed oils at all costs!!
I rarely eat French fries or any fried foods for that matter unless I am cooking it myself. And even then, most of the time I am using my air fryer to make things like fries. I usually just cut up a potato into fries and then mix a little avocado oil in with them so that the outside is wet with the oil, then I add a little pink Himalayan salt, and then I throw them in the air fryer. They come out better than anything you can buy out there.
I encourage you to even have a second look at the things that you have always thought to be healthy and you have been buying for years. You might make some startling discoveries like I did! Again, start building the habit of ALWAYS looking at the ingredient list!
There are so many that don't even know that they are consuming deadly seed oils!
I didn't for many, many years until around summer of 2020 I started deep diving into a lot of things....and this broken food and health industry was one of the BIG rabbit holes that I went down. That, amongst many other rabbit holes that I went down.😉
"The average American gets 80% of their fat calories from seed oils, which are high in unstable fatty acids that break down into toxins when you cook with them and when you eat them for years and years. This problem is pushed under the rug and nobody is talking about it. The American Heart Association wants to keep it that way."~ By: Dr. Cate
Did you know that the consumption of seed oils has increased by 1000% since the 1900's!!!
That last chart was from Dr. Cate's website:
In the 1900s, all mortality issues were rare. Things like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's, etc., have all skyrocketed with the rise in consumption of seed oils.
It is interesting to note that our bodies really have not changed that much in the last 40,000 years. The fact is that our bodies have only changed by a small percentage: 0.005% to be exact!!
BUT, the way we eat and what we eat has changed by a whopping 1,000%!!!
And the evidence shows in study after study, article after article, that obesity and all mortality issues have literally skyrocketed over the last 70+ years. This means the eating lifestyle that the majority have gotten used to is NOT in the best interest of our overall health and well-being.
In addition to the general overall mortality issues that these seed oils cause, they also cause severe inflammation, severe metabolic damage, and severe oxidation damage to your cholesterol cells (Read my full article about cholesterol HERE to learn the lies we have been told about Cholesterol).
The inflammation that is caused is not just inflammation in the body and joints, if you will; it actually causes severe inflammation in the brain!
Catherine Shananhan in her book "The Fatburn Fix" talks about how these seed oils actually cause inflammation in the hypothalamic appetite control centers in our brain.
This then causes distortion in our taste and the foods that we crave, leading to food aversions, finicky eating, and preference for sweet over more complex flavor profiles.
As she says, "when you crave sweet and starchy foods , what you are craving is calories not nutrition. Taste aversions may occur because an inflamed hypothalamic is not functioning properly and can only process the relatively simple flavors of blander tasting foods, driving a preference for processed foods like crackers, pasta, and chicken fingers, and severely limiting a persons food options so that it can be very difficult to follow a healthy balanced diet for very long.
In a sense, this inflammation forces your hypothalamic to make you seek out the least nutritious foods in an attempt to at least understand whatever it is you are eating. For as long as you’ve had vegetable oil driving inflammation in your hypothalamic, your ability to enjoy food has been distorted and for some, this translates to finding comfort in sweets and starches.
For others this translates to an inability to enjoy the more subtle savory flavors of whole high protein foods and seeking them instead of seeking things like Doritos, chicken nuggets, cheese crackers, and other junk foods. Food scientist have tricked your brain into believing these junk foods are extra ordinary sources of protein when in reality they are mostly MSG encrusted starch. The most satiating foods are those high in both cholesterol and energizing saturated and monounsaturated fats.
This is why most people can't eat much more than three or four eggs--which amounts to less than 240 calories- before feeling we've had enough. Meanwhile, fats like those in vegetable oils are not energizing and are easy to eat too much of because they don't send satiety signals as strongly. This is why we can eat a thousand calories of French fries without batting an eyelash." ~Catherine Shananhan in her book "The Fatburn Fix"
Some of you may be familiar with Crisco! Crisco and a few other oils were used as machine lubricants.
Then around 1910-12 Crisco manufactured it's oil to be consumable. Does this make you feel sick like it does me? So you're telling me, machine lubricants were bio-engineered and genetically modified to end up inside of our bodies?
Canola oil is no different!
Canola Oil was originally just used in soaps, lipsticks, inks, biofuels, machinery lubricant, insecticides, etc. -- NOTE: It was used as an insecticide and as I have read in a number of places, insects won't go near it......Hmmmm. Insects won't even go near it, that should tell you something!
Disgusting, but it's the truth!
"Another potential danger of GM crops such as canola is the overuse of herbicides such as glyphosate. Some varieties of canola have been genetically modified to be resistant to the herbicide glyphosate. This had led to concerns due to the overuse of glyphosate weed killer that farmers can liberally spray on canola crops without harming them. Glyphosate is a known carcinogen and may be responsible for birth defects in humans. "~ - Canola Oil Dangers: Why Canola Oil Is Bad For you According to Evidence - By Jenny Hills
What is Glyphosate? "That chemical, called glyphosate, has been used as an herbicide since the 1970s, and is the active ingredient in the well-known weed killer Roundup. Glyphosate-based pesticides are widely used worldwide, but they’re banned or restricted in several countries. Some U.S. including Seattle and Miami, have restricted their use."~ - by ERICA SWEENEY
Soybean oil is just as bad.
Again, if it has not been clear so far...these seed oils are not in the best interest of your health or your weight!! One of the biggest things noticed in the short term with these seed oils and Soybean oil is definitely weight gain!!!! So if you think that you are eating healthy but you are still gaining weight or still can't get that scale to move or still can't get your clothes to fit better, you might want to start taking a closer look at your labels.
Take a look at this quote:
"There are cultures that have used soy primarily for soy sauce and tofu. We have soy milk, soy burgers, soy baby formula…but too much soy is one thing that’s helping us all get fat. In general, soy has been linked to too many health conditions including thyroid dysfunction, infertility, increased risk of cancer, heart disease, Type I Diabetes and malnutrition. Yes, I wrote that! Eating a soy-based diet can actually starve your body of nutrients. Once you add in the fact that most partially hydrogenated oils are derived from soybean oil, you have a toxic mix of dangerous ingredients! With most of us eating this toxic mixture on a daily basis, is it any wonder that our children’s rates of Diabetes and obesity have risen so high? One thing you may not know is that the soy plant itself is actually toxic to humans. Interesting, right? The plant that so many health gurus tout as being super healthy is actually toxic to our systems. Soybean oil contains a poisonous chemical called PHG; this chemical slows your blood circulation, causes your blood to clot, damages the central nervous system, interferes with digestion and can cause memory loss. Doesn’t that sound like a great “health food"?"~ By:Sarah Olson
"Soybean oil also contains a toxic biochemical called phyto-hema-glutinin or PHG for short. PHG kills rats and is poisonous to all living things. PHG is a large protein molecule that has proven to be specific in its ability to agglutinate human blood. Agglutination essentially means to “glue” or to cause to “adhere,” to form a “mass.” Because of this, PHG slows blood circulation and forms blood clots. It also combines with impurities in the blood and forms plaque on the walls of the arteries.
PHG also:
Negatively affects the central system
Negatively affects the peripheral nervous system
Alters hormone activity
Slows down vital organ function
Interferes with digestion
Can cause memory loss
Negatively affects thyroid function"~ Soy. A Healthy Choice or Not?- By: the author is not listed
An alarming fact is that soybean oil is one of the highest-consumed seed oils overall, and canola oil is the second but much lower. However, as I am paying attention to labels, I honestly see one or the other. Soybean and Canola are the two most prominent that I see out there, with sunflower oil being the third.
And not so often but also toxic is palm oil. Every once in a while, I will see palm oil on products claiming to be healthy.
Also, stay away from anything that says hydrogenated because that too is processed and refined, which then creates trans fats.
It is also important to note here that when you are eating out, be aware that most of the restaurants out there are going to be using one or more of these evil little seed oils, including in the salad dressings too!
Also note, though, that your really good restaurants will proudly state that they only use oils like avocado oil or coconut oil... although these are hard to find. Some good high-end restaurants, however, will honor requests to not cook your food in these seed oils and you can request a healthier oil if they have it.
What is Expeller Pressed (Just a note)?
Honestly, this is just another term that they like to use to make you think that it is healthier for you so you will buy!!
While the very first step of the process is just mechanical, the second step in the processing is the normal damaging process that they put the oils through that makes the fatty acid molecules oxidized, which then makes them toxic. In this second process, the oils are still bleached and deodorized.
So all Expeller pressed is, is just the first process. It does not stop there!! After that, the oil is still processed in a way that makes it toxic. So when it comes to the seed oils, don't buy into this "expeller pressed" crap. Even though expeller pressed is good, it often does not stop there and still goes through the secondary harmful and toxic process.
That is just to talk about a few of the seed oils. They are ALL bad!!
Then around the 1950s is when the seed oils began to really catch on as far as consumption goes. And then you begin to watch health issues skyrocket all the way to the current day.
Just look how obesity and overweight issues have severely risen over the years! The with the rise of obesity and overweight issues comes the rise of all mortality issues.
Here is one more powerful graph:
Screenshot of graph is from Dr. Cates website:
➔ 4-5 million people die each year from being obese!
➔ Approximately 18 million deaths annually from coronary heart disease (and a lot of that is from the processed foods, ingredients, seed oils, sugars, etc. that are constantly being shoved in our face every single day multiple times).
➔ Approximately 1.5 million people die from diabetes every year.
These seed oils are a BIG contributor to those numbers. Seed oils literally reprogram your body to store fat instead of burn it, which then causes weight gain. And on top of that, the fact that is stored is very toxic and dangerous to your health. As I said earlier, seed oil's literally caused severe metabolic damage. Now, can that damage be reversed. The answer is yes! Overtime, as you rid yourself from these bad oils, eat good saturated fats, whole foods, eat real animal proteins, become more ingredient conscious, and limit processed foods, your body will begin to heal itself!
Let's talk about what PUFA's are
You might have heard that term here and there. Or maybe it's a brand new term for you. Either way, let's dive in and talk about why it's relevant to mention!
Seed oils are full of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which is not good.
A little bit of PUFA is not a problem for us, we actually need some. And when we get PUFA from whole foods like sunflower, chia or flax seeds, it’s well protected by antioxidants nature builds into the seed. These protectants get stripped away during the industrial scale refining of sunflower and the other vegetable oils, and that’s just the beginning of the problems with vegetable oils. The refining process not only strips away antioxidants, it makes PUFAs toxic by exposing them to heat, pressure, metals and bleaching agents. This chemically alters the molecules into a wide variety of potent toxins with long names like 4-hydroxynonanal and 4-hydroxyhexanol, aldehydes, and others. These molecules are toxic because they promote free-radical reactions that damage our cellular machinery including mitochondria, enzymes, hormone receptors, and DNA. In fact, it seems that are the cause of a wide variety of health issues. Including weaken immune systems ! Which I find very interesting in the current today and age. ~ By:Dr. Cate
Now, the PUFA's are not the only problem. It's the omega 6's that are found in PUFA's as well.
"The biggest problem with this omega-6 stuff is that our bodies just aren’t meant to handle much of it. Our fat cells are comprised of very, very little omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and are instead are made up of mostly saturated and monounsaturated fat. So when we start consuming the oils from these foods in concentrated form, instead of eating moderate amounts of the actual foods they came from, we wind up with a serious imbalance, and the various health problems that result."
Let me put it this way. When was the last time you sat down and ate a big bowlful of cotton seeds? What’s that?? Never!? Well, thanks to modern technologies of the food processing industry, cottonseed oil has become a common food, that you’ve more than likely consumed in disgusting quantities, right along with soybean oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, corn oil, safflower seed oil, sunflower seed oil, and aaaall kinds of these concentrated forms of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
If you google “polyunsaturated fat,” you’re soon bombarded with the “facts” from mainstream medical sites advocating the use of PUFA over that dastardly artery-clogging saturated fat we’re all told to shun from our diet. But, those of us who’ve been educated from sources other than those profiting off of the food and medical industries understand that’s a big load of Metamucil’ed crap." ~ - By
In short, PUFA'S and too much omega 6's are making us fat, causing severe oxidative damage to our cholesterol cells (Read more about cholesterol oxidation in my article HERE), and for lack of better words killing us!!!
The main stream propaganda machine has been telling us for years to limit saturated fats, red meats, butter, and to follow their recommendations of vegetable oils (seed oils) and to stay away from the meats and fats that served mankind 1,000's of years instead. And the major majority has done just that! Interesting enough, things are not getting better they are getting worse!!!
Their pocketbooks got bigger and so did our waste lines and health problems.
The Truth About The American Heart Association
You might say "What about the American Heart Association? They recommend vegetable oils... Don't they have an interest for the health of the American people?"
I am sorry to break it to you, but the answer is a firm NO!!!!
Did you know that the American heart association is 80% funded by big pharma? And did you know that the American Heart Association is also funded by these big oil companies that produce these so-called good for you vegetable oils (seed oils)?
I got news for you, the AHA only cares about their pocket book. They will put out any message that they are paid to put out even if they know it is not in the interest of peoples overall health. Another way of putting it, is that the AHA is nothing more than a front company for these big food corps. and big pharma and pretty much anything they put out there is just propaganda.
"American Heart Association Was Paid off by Procter & Gamble to Say Heart Disease Was Caused by Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils and Sugar
It's been hammered into us for years that saturated fat is a scary type of food that we should avoid for the most part. Things like butter, eggs, and red meat need to be eaten in moderation—or better yet, not at all—according to public health organizations. But science journalist and author Nina Teicholz is one of many writers and health enthusiasts who is helping to pull back the veil on this belief and make everyday people understand that saturated fat isn't the devil.
"Do saturated fats cause heart disease? The science was always weak," Teicholz tweets. "Fear of these fats was started by American Heart Assoc. in 1961 based on a flawed study." Teicholz also reminds us that cutting out saturated fat can actually do the body harm, "because you will cut out foods that contain the key nutrients needed for maintaining health and having healthy children."
"It's sobering to realize that US policy to cut saturated fats was created for middle-aged men fearful of heart disease," she concludes. "Never considered the potential harms to women, children. US policy on sat fats never weighed costs vs. benefits and has never reflected the science."
It's no wonder more people than ever are skeptical of public health organizations and mainstream experts who claim to possess the final word on health and nutrition, when there is so much proof that information has been censored and even doctored in order to push a certain message that will help corporations like Procter & Gamble become richer and richer." ~ - By Gina Florio
NINA TEICHOLZ (as mentioned in the above quote) is a great resource to follow and research. She has a great book out called "The Big Fat Surprise". You can find it on Amazon.
Here is another quote:
"The American Heart Association started calling cholesterol bad when the companies selling vegetable oils started to make donations. The organization grew quickly with this support and they even used President Eisenhower’s heart attack in 1955 to put fear in the American people. They suggested that the reason for his heart attack was all the butter he had eaten. They neglected to mention that he was a chain smoker. The process of hydrogenation was introduced in 1911 and heart disease (although rare before this) has been on the increase since that time. Despite the fact that there is no research that proves that eating a diet low in saturated fat will increase your health, a low saturated fat diet is still being promoted. When you look deep into the research you will notice that people on the saturated fat diets fared much better than the people on the vegetable oil diet. There was reduction in cholesterol in the vegetable oil eaters, but there was no evidence that suggested that lower cholesterol reduced heart attacks. " ~ by Angela Mentink
When I started diving down the rabbit hole of the American Heart Association, the things that I discovered surprised me, but then again, did not surprise me.
Paid Harvard Studies (they paid off Harvard scientist to produce studies that pointed the finger at saturated fats and completely ignored sugar and carbs)
Cherry picked data
Being 80% funded by pharmaceuticals. And the rest is big food.
The "heart healthy" logo/stamp scam.
Low-fat push scam
LDL & HDL disinformation / cholesterol disinformation
So, So much more. Wow!!!
To quote an article that I read through: "The AHA is a huge failure. It’s nothing more than a lobbyist organization and a well-oiled propaganda machine."~ - by: Goodnature (username)
And I 110% agree with that. The damage to many that the AHA has caused is catastrophic in my opinion. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
"The American Heart Association, an organization which was created to help us actually puts money and image before the health of the American people. I’d call that a scam operation. So should you trust what the AHA tells you about nutrition and health? In my opinion, no. Why? Because they ignore the volumes of evidence which show that eating less fat and cholesterol has absolutely no effect on blood cholesterol levels, and in turn, no effect on the risk of heart disease. The AHA ignores the overwhelming evidence for their own gain, and without care for the health of the American people."~ - By: name not listed
Simply put, the AHA is nothing more than a front company for the big food companies and for big pharma.
Were you aware that the American Heart Association receives funds annually from food companies such, as Kelloggs, General Mills, Subway, Cheerios, and Bayer? (And there are many more). Now I don't know about you, but I don't trust ANY of those companies.
Ok, I will now get off that bandwagon even though there is so much more I can say about them (that is for a whole separate article coming soon)!!
What are your next steps with all this information?
In summary, it is important that you avoid all of these seed oils at all costs! Begin developing a solid habit of reading through ingredient lists, even with things that you have bought for a long time and thought were healthy. Double-check those ingredients!! Trust me when I say, these seed oils lurk everywhere!
I have found seed oils in all of the following: many boxed items, protein bars, protein powders, packaged items, many bags of chips, crackers, cake mixes/brownie mixes, batter mixes, cookies, soups, sauces, mayonnaise, frozen dinners, frozen pizzas, regular pizzas for that matter, some dried spice blends, supplement capsules, some jerky packages, so-called nutrition bars, bottled salad dressings, some brands of almond milk, some brands of soy milk (stay away from soy milk; it is not good for you at all), breads, some cereals, pretty much ALL donuts, packaged or fresh, Fried chicken, premade pastas, some premade refried beans, some salsas, I can still go on with more, but you get the picture. Oh, and let's not forget, MOST restaurants will use seed oils. Not just in fried foods but they sometimes cook your burger patty in seed oils, your steak in seed oils, and even your fish. That is why it's important to ask what your choice of protein is being cooked in.
If you care about your health as much as I do, you will begin the process of steering away from these seed oils. As I said earlier in this article, it's not going to be an overnight process. You simply began with building a strong awareness around the ingredients that are in EVERYTHING! That is a big step in the process and in the right direction!
And it's not just about seed oils. Building awareness around ingredients like food dyes, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sugars, gums, GMO's, genetically modified ingredients, and the like are all very important to begin steering away from!
Also, start eating way more whole foods, good satiating animal proteins and fats, and way less packaged and processed foods. Don't buy into the low-fat or free free stuff either. That stuff is always heavily processed, and is always chalked full of sugar. Stop shying away from good fats. And eat real butter that's Grass-fed!!!!
Limit your carb intake. Keep in mind that there is no essential carbs. Carbs can be very useful when placed strategically in your routine. But you do not need them with every meal. That is simply another lie that the industry has sold us on. (see my article on the FOOD PYRAMID ).
Lastly, I will say that you cannot treat this like a diet!! You can absolutely still lose weight that way but the key to keeping that weight off is to:
- Treat this process like a journey NOT a diet. It's more of a lifestyle! Completely de-program from all things around a diet mindset or diet thinking!
- Make it sustainable! This is not a sprint! Make it sustainable for the long-haul (long-haul meaning a year or two). The new changes the new habits that you adapt into your life must be something that you can sit back and say "yes I can see myself maintaining these over the next year or two". But why is that so important? Because if you stay consistent with those new changes and new habits over the next year or two and build on them as the old ones sink in and become part of who you are, then when a year or two is up those changes and habits that you stayed consistent with will then have literally become automatic and part of who you are. THIS IS HOW YOU BUILD RESULTS THAT LAST A LIFETIME! THIS PHILOSOPHY IS HOW I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO KEEP MY WEIGHT OFF FOR 6+ YEARS NOW EFFORTLESSLY WITHOUT A DIET!
- Build a strong habit of ALWAYS checking your ingredients!!! ALWAYS!! IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW HEALTHY YOU THINK IT IS, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU'VE ALWAYS GOTTEN IT, IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW HEALTHY THE MARKETING SAYS IT IS..... ALWAYS CHECK THE INGREDIENTS!! Once you build this habit it will become easier and eventually, it will just be automatic. It will become part of who you are!
- Trials and challenges during your journey are there to give you an opportunity to grow, get better, get wiser, and get stronger!! It's an opportunity to trust that God has your back and is working to transform you into a stronger and healthier you! The trials and challenges are NOT there for you to beat yourself up, look for a more convenient time to continue the journey (there wont be one), or for you to wallow. Every trial and every challenge through your journey, including those pesky plateaus, is an opportunity for you to embrace that opportunity to grow, get better, get wiser, and get stronger.
- Began eating way more whole foods!! Good quality satiating animal proteins not shying away from quality saturated fats, and minimizing carbs (not getting rid of them, but strategically placing them in your eating routine) remember that there is no essential carb and you do not need them with every single meal. Begin consuming things with minimal ingredients and with whole and healthy ingredients.
Now, with all of that in mind, if you find yourself wanting that extra edge to speed the process a little bit, reach out to me for a FREE assessment call. Even the best of the best top sports players have coaches, so why not you? Even if you choose not to work with me, give me the chance to fine-tune things for you for optimal results.
Book your spot in my mini educational Boot Camp for the low cost of $97:
Breaking Free from Industry Lies & Diets For Lasting Change Mini Boot Camp
In this mini boot camp series:
I am giving away my 3 secrets to transforming your relationship with food, sustainable weight loss, stop the hamster wheel dieting, to conquer your battle with sugar, empower you to be able to keep the weight off for life AND MUCH MORE!!!!
ALL in just three short one-on-one sessions with me:
- You will be equipped with an empowered mindset shift.
- You will be equipped to spot food industry lies and avoid common pitfalls.
- You will be equipped to see past deceptive marketing and make more informed choices with food.
All in just 3 one on one sessions with me.
In addition, my bootcamp is unapologetically faith based!!
Here is the basic outline:
1st Session (1:1)
- NO MORE DIETS!!! And the becoming process.
- Embrace the journey
- Sustainable for the long-haul
2nd Session (1:1)
The Industry Is Lying To You
- How the industry has been lying to you
- How they profit off of your declining health
- How effective is exercise
3rd Session (1:1)
Marketing Deceptions
- How big food lies and deceives you
- Why you must become ingredient conscious
- Turn the freakin thing over