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The Real Story Behind Cholesterol And Ending the Fear Narrative

Apr 07, 2024



We have been lied to for so many years about cholesterol.

The mainstream media, the mainstream health organizations, The American Heart Association, big pharma, the medical education system, and the list goes on (they are all in bed with each other, BTW... especially big pharma; they have their roots and tentacles into everything).

"What constitutes a healthy and normal total cholesterol level? The answer may surprise you. Has it ever occurred to you that the reason mainstream medicine places so much attention on total blood cholesterol levels is because cholesterol-lowering drugs are the most financially profitable drugs in history? Mainstream allopathic medicine is adept at using propaganda techniques. Propaganda – that is exactly how to describe the fear-inducing drug ads on TV, the fraudulent studies that are funded by the drug cartels, the billions that are spent to pump out pill-happy MDs. Mainstream medicine is a catastrophe. The cholesterol parade is the most prevalent propaganda push that has ever existed in medicine." ~ - By Michael McEvoy

"The cholesterol myth is a monument to the lies, deceit, and fraud of the pharmaceutical companies and the government. The cholesterol myth proves that super fortunes can be built on the sale of products based on medical myths. The best doctors I know will write a prescription instantly for a statin drug, i.e., a drug to lower cholesterol. This has absolutely nothing to do with medicine or the treatment of disease. It is commerce, pure and simple. It is crime, incorporated. The cholesterol myth is so well established and so completely accepted by doctors that there is almost no inquiry into this crime of commerce." ~ By Bob Livingston

As I took a deep dive down the rabbit hole with this particular topic, I began to become very infuriated at the disinformation and lies that have been sold to the people around the world for so many years.

Cholesterol is NOT bad for you at all!! This, yet again, was just another part of the industry's money-making machine.

Here is an interesting statistic for you: Drugs like Lipitor (A cholesterol-lowering drug) have been on the market since 1996 and have been on the market for approximately two decades or more and have made a whopping $150+ BILLION! Keep in mind, this is just one of many cholesterol-lowering drugs.

It is literally a disinformation propaganda campaign to scare people into taking cholesterol-lowering drugs so that big pharma, other big organizations, big food, The American Heart Association, etc. can make their money.

I have so much to say here in this post.

So buckle up, it's going to be a long read, but I promise you that you will come out of this article shattering the scarcity and fear you may have had around cholesterol for all these years and embracing a new way of thinking about cholesterol.

You will embrace the way things are supposed to be. No longer will you fear the cholesterol topic! God has not given us the Spirit of fear but of love and peace.

Let’s dive in, shall we!

So first off, I want to start by saying that HDL and LDL ARE NOT Cholesterol!!

Check out this quote from another article that I found:

“There is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol. These are names that were created to confuse patients and to scare them into taking dangerous cholesterol-lowering drugs. Consider that next to water, there is nothing more important to your body than cholesterol. HDL (high-density lipoprotein), the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol, and LDL (low-density lipoprotein), the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol are not even cholesterol; they are lipoproteins, cholesterol transports. LDL transports cholesterol from your liver to the various places in your body where cholesterol is needed, such as your cells. HDL transports cholesterol back to your liver to be re-used. Your body is dependent on LDL and cholesterol for hormone production. Without LDL (the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol), your body is INCAPABLE of making the steroid hormones that your body needs." ~ - By Michael McEvoy

So now, in light of that little quote, I want you to repeat after me, “HDL and LDL are NOT cholesterol! They are Lipoprotein transports!”

For some of you, it might take a while for you to wrap your head around that and reprogram from what you have always been taught!

The truth is that HDL and LDL are equals! Either one can be good or bad.

One of the key ways to changing the way you've been thinking about LDL and HDL and whether one is good or bad is to start thinking along the lines of oxidation.

Oxidation is the key to how HDL becomes bad and how LDL also becomes bad. It’s not necessarily which one is higher or lower. To be honest, that is only a very small part of the puzzle. The much bigger part is oxidation!!

One of the main causes of oxidation to cholesterol cells is seed oils and processed foods (all kinds... Including ultra-processed).

Here is another interesting thing: Cholesterol is so much of a basic need that even nature produces it.

What???... Let me explain.

Cholesterol is an essential substance in our bodies. It's a huge flat molecule that looks like a honeycomb section and addresses several difficulties for your body's tissues and cells.

Cholesterol is so simple and down-to-earth; it has been around for a couple of billion years when nature converted cells from single chambers to multi-chambers, establishing what we term "real cells," and is currently one of the key elements that allow all plant and animal life to exist. So yes!... plants create cholesterol as well!!

Here is another boomshell quote for you from an excellent source Dr. Cate:

"It strengthens your cell walls (called membranes), helps the doors of your cells open and close, can be turned into hormones (including vitamin D, cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone), can talk to your DNA, and is required to help break down your food. Lacking cholesterol impairs growth, digestion, reproduction, injury repair, adaptation to stress, and fighting off infections. Plus it waterproofs your skin, keeping your bodily fluids inside, where they belong, and keeps you from dehydrating into a human prune. Keeping your brain healthy also requires massive amounts of cholesterol, and limiting your brain’s ability to make cholesterol will visibly shrink it. (Most doctors will attribute a reduction in someone’s brain size to age-related dementia.) The most important thing to know about cholesterol is that it helps stabilize the vehicles that carry fat through the bloodstream, ensuring these nutrients arrive at their destination. The vehicles that carry cholesterol and fat through the bloodstream are called lipoproteins. They come in many shapes and sizes depending on whether they were made in your intestines, your liver, or elsewhere." ~ - By: Dr. Cate

Now, as I mentioned earlier, the key to how your cholesterol cells as a whole become bad is this process called oxidation.

How do your cholesterol cells become oxidized?

Two of the main causes are the processed foods out there and harmful seed oils (which include hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils).

Just to be thorough here, I'm going to explain briefly both of these.

Processed foods are pretty much anything that's boxed or packaged, crackers, chips, frozen dinners, frozen pizzas (way better if you make your own… because you know what's in it), and the list goes on…. you get the idea. Processed sugars, GMOs, bioengineered ingredients, food dyes, even chemicals….and much more are all contributors to not only oxidizing your cholesterol cells but also are contributors to weight gain and many mortality issues.

Now what is included in the harmful seed oils?



From the chart I have created above, you can see which oils are bad and which ones are good. Now, in regards to seed oils, I think it's important to note that they can be found in pretty much every packaged item, every boxed item, most frozen dinners, most bottled salad dressings, and some condiments like mayonnaise.

It is extremely important that you begin building an awareness of the ingredients that are in the things that you buy. These seed oils lurk everywhere!

You're going to find that as you start building an awareness around them, they lurk in things you never would have thought of and in things that you've always thought were healthy.

You must begin to weed these out of your life! These deadly seed oils not only cause oxidation of your cholesterol cells but also cause severe metabolic damage, obesity, chronic inflammation, as well as other mortality issues.

So now that we have talked briefly about the damaging effects of processed foods and seed oils, let’s go deeper into why oxidation of your cholesterol cells is dangerous and how it happens.

Remember earlier in this article when we talked about how HDL and LDL are NOT cholesterol but they are lipoprotein transports? And remember that LDL is the one that transports cholesterol to the different parts of your body that need it?

Picture an Uber Delivery Guy (LDL) on the bike making a cholesterol delivery to different parts of the body that have ordered it. Let’s call him Billy LDL Delivery (Or Billy) for fun!

And there he goes, racing to make those deliveries! Those tennis ball-looking things on his back are cholesterol cells.  (For now, that is the best I could find as far as photos of cholesterol cells)

When different cells or parts in your body need cholesterol, Billy the LDL Delivery guy is who they get a hold of to make the delivery. “Ring ring”. Billy picks up and takes the order and is now on his way to make his deliveries.

You might be thinking at this point, “OK so LDL is not so bad after all. But can there still be too much of a good thing?” The key to answering this is to change your thinking and deprogram from the propaganda lies that you have always been taught over and over.

Check out this quote from Dr. Cate (she explains this so well):

“That’s exactly the argument the American Heart Association wants you to buy into. What the AHA doesn’t want you to consider is that Nature isn’t stupid. Your body regulates the production of pretty much every important molecule, ramping up production when you need more, and putting on the brakes when you need less. And if you’re not a smoker, then your bloodstream will never contain more cholesterol than it can safely handle. Period. Even if your cholesterol numbers register in the danger zone according to standard labs. The real answer is that neither LDL nor HDL cholesterol is always good or bad. It depends on the particle’s composition, which depends on what you’ve been eating. If your diet has been good, both these particles are good. If your diet has been not-so-good, then both LDL and HDL are not-so-good, and both can end up damaging your arteries, with deadly consequences.”

“The AHA does not want you thinking about it this way. They don’t want you thinking holistically. Actually, as far as I can tell, they don’t want you thinking at all. They’d rather you take their advice without question. They’ve got most people so scared of cholesterol they are too panicked to think and if the google search frequency is any indication then the AHA has made people more afraid of cholesterol than of the heart attacks it supposedly causes.”  ~  - By Dr. Cate

I agree with Dr. Cate 1,000%. She has a great 3-part series on this topic, and you can find it through the link above.

We must end the scarcity and fear that placed on cholesterol for so long now.

The deeper that I dove down the rabbit hole to find the real truth about cholesterol, the more ah-ha moments I got!

So how exactly does the oxidation process happen to the cholesterol cells that turn them bad?

First of all, it’s all about WHAT KIND of fats you are eating! And it’s actually not even about the quantity. It’s more about the QUALITY! And the same with overall foods that you are eating regularly.

If you are eating fats that are poor quality (like those found in seed oils) and you are eating processed foods and not a lot of whole foods, then this is what is going to cause oxygen to mix with your cholesterol cells in a toxic way.

These poor-quality fats are reactive in a toxic way. The more that you eat them, the more they are going to react with oxygen and become toxic to your cholesterol cells.

The truth of the matter is, even if your cholesterol numbers are good, that still doesn’t tell the whole story. Your numbers can show good stats, but if your eating routine is full of poor-quality fats and processed foods, then damage and oxidation are going on that is not being shown on the charts.

So simply put, you CANNOT rely on the numbers either.

Here is the flip side. Your numbers can be high without you being in any danger or health risk. This happens when your eating routine is full of good quality fats and you’re eating Whole Foods. In this case, even if you have high numbers for your cholesterol, it is actually a good thing.

High cholesterol is not really a bad thing. Especially if your eating routine is full of good quality fats, whole foods, minimizing processed foods, and poor-quality fats.  (I will be sharing a powerful quote later in this article on why high cholesterol is good.)

The fats that come from animal proteins are the good fats. Fats that come from the good oils as seen in my chart I shared earlier are the good fats as well.

Here is another way to look at it: Picture your body as a house, with pipes (arteries) transporting substances like water (blood) to rooms (organs). There are two kinds of fats; the ones that keep your pipes clean and the bad ones that form gunk in the pipes.

If you consume a lot of bad fats and processed foods, even if your cholesterol levels appear fine, your pipes (arteries) might become blocked, leading to issues.

However, by choosing to eat quality fats from animal proteins and quality oils (as seen in the chart I shared above) you can maintain clean pipes and prevent clogging regardless of your cholesterol levels.

It's not about the numbers on your cholesterol test; what you put into your body plays a LARGE role in keeping your arteries healthy.

My point is that you must turn your thinking away from the way we’ve been trained around cholesterol. As in, STOP always being concerned about lowering it and having it below a certain number.

It's NOT about lowering it or even raising it for that matter.

It’s more about the health of your cholesterol cells overall!

I hope you are beginning to see how things over the last 60+ years have been so twisted and turned into this fear-mongering battle of “lowering cholesterol” so that they can rake in the $$ at our health's expense.
They create the problem, then back it up through cherry picked data and studies and advertise it through mainstream avenues to create fear in the population and then along comes their remedy and solution to the problem that they created in the first place through disinformation and propaganda. 

"Here, we have this drug that will help to keep your cholesterol's best that you limit saturated fats and stay away from most animal proteins especially red meat"  This is exactly how they profit millions and billions every year at the expense of peoples health.

My Lord above only knows how many lives were compromised over the many years in the name of their so-called health propaganda machine that claims to be helping us.

Nuff said...dialing back in...

Remember that Billy the LDL Delivery guy on a bike picture I shared earlier?

Well, going deeper into how oxidation happens, when you have an eating routine that is full of low-quality fats like seed oils and processed foods…it begins to attack the LDL delivery guy Billy on the bike and the cholesterol cells that he is carrying.

Picture random fiery darts being shot at Billy on the bike and the cholesterol cells (just for the sake of example).


Billy can fight off those attacks for a time. (In other words, your body is able to fight off these attacks at first.)

But then over time, the cholesterol cell becomes damaged and no longer usable. Your body becomes overwhelmed and is not able to fight off those attacks anymore.

Then to make things worse, as time continues to move on, Billy begins to tire. Eventually, there is so much damage that is done that Billy stalls out, and the damaged cholesterol cells, along with him, fall and are now stuck.

(LOL… yes, I created these little cartoons myself๐Ÿ˜‚... I had fun doing it too.)


Picture this happening inside your artery walls. They now become what’s known as plaque. This, in a nutshell, is how your cholesterol becomes bad and how the process happens. With enough of that plaque buildup, that is what causes artery blockages, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and mortality issues.

The answer again is NOT lowering cholesterol.

We should be way more concerned about the oxidation of our cholesterol cells. It's a completely different way of thinking about it, and it's the way we should be thinking. We should not be thinking in terms of lowering cholesterol; we should be thinking in terms of the foods that cause damage to the cholesterol cells as well as oxidation.

Here is another question to think about: Does vegetable oil and all the seed oils actually lower cholesterol like they claim it does? The answer is actually yes, but, and that is a BIG "BUT," it was NOT proven that lowering cholesterol by eating more of “their recommended fats” prevents heart attacks, heart disease, and mortality issues. Vegetable oils and all the seed oils actually caused all the mortality health issues to severely rise!!!

More and more studies are coming out that show lowering cholesterol is not necessarily a good thing either.

Check out some of the side effects of lowering cholesterol:

  • Impaired brain function: Cholesterol plays a crucial role in maintaining brain health, and low levels may lead to cognitive issues and memory problems. How many dementia patients are a result of cholesterol-lowering medicines? That’s a great question to ask here!

  • Decreased hormone production: Cholesterol is a precursor for hormone production, and lowering it can disrupt hormone balance, affecting fertility and overall hormonal health.

  • Increased cancer risk: Studies suggest that low cholesterol levels may be linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

  • Muscle and joint pain: Low cholesterol levels have been associated with muscle weakness and pain, which can impact mobility and quality of life. How much of the weakness and pain that older people tend to have been caused by cholesterol-lowering medicines? That’s also a great question to ask here!

  • Impaired immune function: Cholesterol plays a role in immune system function, and low levels compromise the body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses. How many people on cholesterol-lowering medicines get sick all the time and are considered “high-risk” patients because of the disinformation system that caused the very issue?! Are they making people better or sicker?

  • Bone health issues: Cholesterol is involved in the production of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. Low cholesterol levels contribute to bone density loss and increase the risk of fractures.

  • Increased mortality risk: Studies suggest that low cholesterol levels can be associated with an increased risk of overall mortality. In all the research that I have done on this topic, I have read in many places that low cholesterol levels actually reduce lifespan. The risk of dying rose by 22% for every 30 mg/dL decline in blood cholesterol. In addition, higher cholesterol levels coupled with a healthy eating routine packed with quality fats and whole foods actually make you live longer.

Did you know that according to a 30-year follow-up of the famous Framingham Study, deaths from heart disease and all other related issues rose by 11% for every 1% decline in cholesterol?

I can list so much more!

Here is an interesting quote to think about:

"Even the so-called “dangerous” LDL type doesn’t hold up to scrutiny as a culprit for heart disease. A study conducted in 2015 attempted to clarify the relationship between heart attack and serum levels, and after following 724 patients who suffered a heart attack. The authors found that those with lower LDL and triglyceride levels had a significantly elevated mortality risk when compared to patients with higher LDL and triglyceride levels. Another study in 2018 found the same pattern. Lower LDL and lower triglycerides were associated with a HIGHER mortality rate. This makes sense if you consider that triglycerides (fats) are an important source of energy from the body and that cholesterol is needed in the cell membranes of all animal cells and is used in making necessary hormones." ~ - By: Katie Wells

Here is another thing to keep in mind: our bodies produce approximately 3,000 milligrams of cholesterol per day on its own. Yet, the American Heart Association wants to tell us that adding an extra 300 mg per day would put us at a higher risk of heart disease? THAT MAKES NO SENSE!

Fun Fact: Did you know that a typical eating routine only makes up 15% of total body cholesterol, and the rest (85%) is made up by the body itself?

So with so many others that are misinformed by the propaganda and lies out there and still putting out the wrong message that high cholesterol is bad and it causes heart disease...if cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease or mortality issues...then what does?

Here is a list of some things to consider:

  • Processed foods
  • Boxed foods
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Seed-Oils which include vegetable oil
  • Fake meat
  • Lack of Vitamins A & D
  • Lack of Vitamins B6, B12, and Folic Acid
  • Trans Fats
  • Lack of minerals like magnesium, copper, & vanadium.
  • Stress and worry
  • Etc.

Here is a list of a few things to consider for avoiding heart disease:

  • Stop worrying about your cholesterol. If you are constantly worried about it, the worry will begin to deplete the vitamins and minerals in your body and put you at a higher risk of heart disease.
  • Don't take any kind of cholesterol-lowering drugs...AT ALL. They are very damaging to your body. And they are actually a cause of heart disease as well as causes muscle decline, joint weakness to the point of destruction, heart weakness to the point of congestive heart, etc.
  • Get in some form of regular exercise on a weekly basis...maybe 3 to 4 times per week at minimum. And let's not forget about the sun and getting in some of that exercise in the sun!!!
  • Eat the real stuff!! Real meat, real grass-fed red meats, real animal fats, animal organs, and real animal proteins!!
  • Don't shy away from saturated fats. Eat whole foods, eat real butter, limit your consumption of processed, boxed, fried foods, etc.
  • Stay away from seed oils and vegetable oils.
  • Eat wild-caught seafood. Stay away from farm-raised seafood.

It’s sad that even with all the effort I have put into this article and the solid information and resources I have given in this article, there are going to be those who will agree with me here, but then later on they will go to the doctor, and it will be as if they never read this article. They will just blindly obey as if their doctor was God.

I pray with all of my heart that this is not the case. I pray this article and the truth it contains will help to free many from the disinformation and propaganda lies we have been fed for so many years around cholesterol.

Remember, if you have a regular eating routine that is full of Whole Foods, quality fats, and good proteins (preferably animal-based) and you have high cholesterol, it’s likely going to be a good thing!

“People with high cholesterol live the longest. This statement seems so incredible that it takes a long time to clear one´s brainwashed mind to fully understand its importance. Yet the fact that people with high cholesterol live the longest emerges clearly from many scientific papers. Consider the finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported in 1994 that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with high cholesterol. Supporters of the cholesterol campaign consistently ignore his observation, or consider it as a rare exception, produced by chance among a huge number of studies finding the opposite. But it is not an exception; there are now a large number of findings that contradict the lipid hypothesis. To be more specific, most studies of old people have shown that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for coronary heart disease.” ~ - By: Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

Here is another link to an article that I found talking about the benefits of high cholesterol:

Looking at the contrast to that; if you have normal cholesterol or low levels you can still be in danger if your eating routine is full of a bunch of low-quality fats, seed oils, processed foods, etc.

Also, regarding low cholesterol, I have read through many articles that testify that lower cholesterol levels increase death risks, shortens lifespan, compromises the immune system, and the list goes on.

The overall message around cholesterol has been twisted and spun so many times throughout the years. I hope this article has been a well-needed revelation to anyone who has read through it.

If you have a doctor who is still using the old, flawed data around cholesterol and trying to get you to lower it or trying to get you on cholesterol-lowering drugs, honestly, I recommend finding a more well-rounded holistic doctor (preferably one that is NOT plant-based).

Here is a link that you can use to help you find one in your area: IFM Link


Congratulations on completing this eye-opening journey through the truth about cholesterol and the misinformation surrounding it. Now, it's time to take action and reclaim control of your health.


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