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What Happens When You Listen To Most Doctors Nutritional Advice?

Mar 28, 2024


Before I dive deep into this, I need to note a few things at the start of this post.

First of all, there are doctors out there who have their hearts in the right place, and they are well-intentioned.

But even though they are well-intentioned, what a lot of doctors don't realize is that the education they have received is extremely outdated, and much of it is flawed.

The education system they were trained with is significantly biased toward primarily using pharmaceuticals to solve problems.

And to be bluntly honest, any education they have around food and nutrition is often flawed by mainstream propaganda views. Yes, I said propaganda.

Not to mention the fact that during most doctors' schooling, education, and curriculum, they only get one semester's worth of nutrition!! Let that one sink in!!!!

AND doctors are still using the food pyramid (which has been a big cause of obesity and diabetes) as well as the outdated BMI system.  (For more on the damaging effects of the food pyramid, see my article here)

Yet, so many people today still blindly follow the doctors' advice without doing any deep digging or research for themselves. It is time to stop just accepting what we are being told, especially regarding nutritional advice from our doctors, and it is time to start looking at the data for ourselves and asking the hard questions again!!

This is something that over the last 40 years or more we have gotten away from. And it is time to relearn the habit of looking up the data for ourselves, doing the research for ourselves, and coming to our own conclusions. If you've been following me for a while now, you know I am very passionate about this particular message.

Again, many doctors are well-intentioned and really do want to help people.

If you can find one in your area, I would recommend finding a well-rounded holistic doctor (I would recommend one that's not plant-based either) to use as your primary doctor. This is a switch I had my mom make roughly about a year ago, and all I can say is "Wow, what a difference!!!"

Now, let's get to the main thing that I wanted to talk about in this article.

What happens when people do listen to their doctors' nutritional advice to avoid meats, saturated fats, and cholesterol?

What happens when people start eating more fruits, vegetables, so-called heart-healthy grains, low-fat or fat-free (these are usually chock-full of sugar), and let's not forget the harmful seed oils and vegetable oils The American Heart Association recommends (I have much to say about The American Heart Association as well... But that is for another article).

Do we actually see healthier results from following that advice?

If you have more enlightened awareness around these things, you will answer with a resounding NO!

-->Based on the data that I have looked at the obesity rates were at 13% of the people back in the 1960's.

-->Now, they are well above 43%!!!  In fact, I have found in many place that percent to be closer to 50%!!

--> Diabetes has increased over 316% over the last 15 years alone.  Interestingly enough, I asked Chat GPT to calculate through the numbers and find the increase of diabetes a since the 1960's and the number that it came up with is "21% increase per year x 60 years ≈ 1,260% increase"

1,260% increase since the 1960's!!!!!!!!  WOW!! 

-->Cancer has increased by 50% since 1960's

-->Heart disease has increased by 50% since the 1960's

I can literally go on and on, spitting out numbers and stats. I think with what I have already shared, my point is clear.

The interesting fact is that most people do, in fact, listen to their doctors' nutritional advice. So, if that's the case, then why aren't we seeing these numbers improve? Obesity alone continues to rise!

The gap between the guidance we receive and the outcomes we witness is no coincidence. The system is flawed!

Doctors don't receive training in nutrition. Even though they spend years studying diseases in school, they often lack education when it comes to diet and nutrition. This means that despite a doctor's education, you may actually know as much or even more about nutrition than they do!

The system and education that doctors go through literally teach to treat and not solve.

But why though? Why don't we have a system that actually solves the problem rather than just putting a Band-Aid on it?

Truthfully, all I'm going to say here is, follow the money!!!!

I feel the need, before I go on, to again state that many doctors are unaware that their education is flawed and extremely outdated. Many doctors do indeed have a heart to help people and do not realize that much of the advice they give is actually hurting people.

The system and education they go through are literally bent more on profit than actually helping people with nutrition deficiencies and solving their health problems.

It is a seriously defective system—one that puts money above people's welfare. Myths concerning nutrition are something the big food corps (which are closely linked to the powerful pharmaceutical companies) are interested in promoting because it keeps people addicted and stuck in their profit-making system.

They make huge profits by marketing high-sugar low-fat items that are detrimental to our health.

Furthermore, a number of health problems have been brought on by the demonization of foods derived from animals, such as meat, saturated fats, and cholesterol. We have been indoctrinated to believe that certain nutrients are detrimental, even though our bodies require them for healthy functioning.

What was the outcome? A population of people devastated by heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

And something I alluded to earlier, the American Heart Association (AHA) is no different!! They are simply just a front company for big Pharma and big food corporations. In fact, did you know that the AHA is 80% funded by pharmaceutical companies.

I will conclude this post with a quote (Food for thought):

"Fast food corporations are not the only ones profiting from Americans being overweight; healthcare companies, hospitals, private facilities, and pharmacies are all profiting as well. Due to the type of foods Americans eat and how their bodies react to them, many health issues stem from America's overweight population. In the article “The Dangerous Effects of Being Overweight,” Choudhury states that 'Did you know that around 20 – 30% of people suffer from cancer due to being overweight? Did you know that the risk of heart disease increases with an overweight body? Obesity and abdominal fat are two other risk factors leading to diabetes as well as heart disease.' Keeping Americans fat is a huge profit for organizations and corporations, such as hospitals and private facilities. Americans treat these diagnoses by taking medications prescribed by doctors, provided by pharmacies and healthcare companies. Some Americans take obscene amounts of medication each day to control diabetes and cancer. The fast-food corporations and corporations that promote unhealthy foods contribute to making Americans fat, and then Americans turn to healthcare companies, hospitals, private facilities, and pharmacies to treat, pay for, and buy their medication to fix a problem that these very corporations created. It is an assembly line of profit!"~

So there you have it!  I think that sums it up quite nicely!

Lastly, I'm going to remind you of something that I suggested earlier. Find yourself a well rounded holistic doctor (preferably one that's not plant based) in your area and switch to making them your primary doctor. I am willing to bet you will be a lot happier and see a big difference in the care you are being given as well as advice.😉

I have included a link below to help you find a holistic doctor below
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Now, it's time to take action and reclaim control of your health.

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  • Mindset shifts for lasting change
  • The role of quality fats and whole foods
  • Awareness around ingredients
  • Hydration tips
  • And Much More


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